Learn how to create an outline for a specific celebration, including reviewing the Lectionary readings for that day, adding liturgical moments and more.

Video transcription

Welcome to Liturgy.com, where we make planning music for liturgy easy.

In this tutorial, we will walk through how to use your music planner.

The default view of the Plan Liturgy landing page displays future celebrations for the current season. If you would like to view all celebrations for the current season, click the Show All link. Before you start planning, you may want to look at the Seasonal Overview to get some ideas on how to approach the season.

If you would like to plan a celebration for a different season, use the buttons at the top of the page to find the year and season you would like to prepare for. Once you've selected a year and a season, find the celebration you would like to plan for in the list below. Or, to plan a liturgy for Baptism, confirmation, chrism Mass or any other special celebration select Special Liturgies.

Once you have found the celebration you would like to create a music outline for you can begin by either creating a new outline, duplicating an outline for that celebration from a previous year or copying an existing outline. This is helpful if you use similar outlines for multiple liturgies on a given Sunday.

If you'd like to read a summary or look over the readings to get song ideas for the celebration, click on Overview. From here you can also click on the button at the bottom of the page to view the full readings. This opens a new window with the readings from the official USCCB website. Close this window when you're done, and it will take you back to the Liturgical Overview page.

From the Overview page you can click on Create New Outline from the right sidebar to start a new outline. Whichever way you choose to start a new Outline, you will be taken to a screen allowing you to edit the details of the outline you are about to create.

You can change the name, date and time of the liturgy, and you can also add notes or select a Mass setting to auto-fill your Outline. If you have created a custom Mass setting while setting up your account, you'll be able to select that option here. (For a step-by-step walkthrough, make sure to watch the tutorial on Custom Mass settings.)

Once you have entered all the relevant information, click Save.

You are now on your newly created outline. You can add or replace a song in any liturgical moment by clicking the add song icon. (For a step-by-step walkthrough, watch the tutorial on adding songs.)

At any time, you can select the overview link at the top of your outline to go back to the liturgical overview and read about the celebration or review the readings. If you want to delete a liturgical moment, for example, if you do not want to include an entrance antiphon, move your mouse over it and click the X that appears to the right.

You'll be asked to confirm this action. Click on the pencil icon in any of the liturgical moments to change the type of liturgical moment, change how the liturgical moment will appear in your outline or enter performance notes to be displayed on the print version of your outline. Click save.

To add a new liturgical moment, scroll to the bottom of your outline and click on add liturgical moment. In the window that pops up select the type of liturgical moment you would like to add, give the liturgical moment a title, and, if you wish, you can add performance notes here. Click save and the liturgical moment will appear at the top of your outline.

Click edit to confirm the liturgical moment appears as desired. When you're happy with the information, click save. Now you can move the newly added liturgical moment (or any of the other moments) by simply dragging and dropping the entire field into the location of your choice.

The buttons at the top of your outline allow you to save your outline to your Liturgy.com account, print or save a PDF of your outline, share a My List link with the sheet music and MP3s available as part of your ICRmusic.org digital library subscription make a copy of the outline, auto-fill the Mass setting in your outline or delete the outline altogether. Keep in mind, you will be asked to confirm that you'd like to delete the outline.

In the right sidebar you can also add notes to your outline which will appear on the pdf or print version of your final outline.

If you have questions about anything covered in this video or other topics, visit liturgy.com/help or call customer service at 1-800-LITURGY.