Learn how to share your outline with your ensemble

Video transcription

Welcome to Liturgy.com, where we make planning music for liturgy easy.

In this tutorial, we will walk you through setting up your email preferences and sending your outline along with sheet music and MP3s to your ensemble.

To begin click on my account and select My Email Groups from the drop down.

By default you will view all of the personnel you have entered for your account.

On the left side of the screen you can select any of the email groups you have created to edit them.

To create a new email group click the add symbol next to “Create Group”.

Enter a Group name and at least 1 member to save the email group.

Continue adding all of your group members by clicking Add Personnel To use your email list, navigate to an outline you would like to send to your ensemble. If you would like to include a My List link with the sheet music and MP3s, you have selected click Create My List Link. If you have a subscription to a digital library a link will automatically be generated and attached to your outline. For more information on digital libraries visit www.icrmusic.org.

Now, click on the email icon at the top of the page to send the outline to your email group. From the box that appears select the group or groups you wish to send the outline to. You may also add individual email addresses in addition to or instead of an email group. If you would like to include a message with your email you may do so as well. When you are ready click the “Send Outline as Email” button.

A notification will appear at the top of your screen to inform you that the email has successfully sent.

If you have questions about anything covered in this video or other topics, visit liturgy.com/help or call customer service at 1-800-LITURGY.