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19 de septiembre de 2021
8:30am - Joy B
Sing Praise to God, the Gardener (Scot Crandal, Genevieve Glen)
Thy Word Is a Lamp (Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant)
NTY‑117 SS1‑211
Canto de Entrada
Come, Now Is the Time to Worship (Brian Doerksen)
NTY‑81 SS2‑383 BB21‑542 Acc21‑145
Glory to God (Mass of Renewal) (Curtis Stephan)
J3‑176 CP3‑171 BB21‑873 Acc21‑802
Salmo Responsorial
The Lord Upholds My Life (Jackie François)
Gospel Acclamation
God Has Called Us Through the Gospel to Possess the Glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Owen Alstott)
Preparación de las Ofrendas
I Will Have Faith in You (Sarah Hart, Sam Mizell)
NTY‑246 SS2‑388
Preparación de las Ofrendas
The Summons (KELVINGROVE, John L. Bell)
GC‑700 GC2‑687 G3‑790 SS1‑137 CP3‑555 BB21‑382 Acc21‑552
Holy (Mass of the Incarnate Word) (Bob Hurd)
Misterio de la Fe
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of the Incarnate Word) (Bob Hurd)
Amen (Mass of the Incarnate Word) (Bob Hurd)
Cordero de Dios
Lamb of God (Mass of St. Timothy) (Matt Maher)
Canto de Comunión
A Place at Your Table (Ben Walther)
BB21‑347 Acc21‑24
Canto de Comunión
The Servant Song (SERVANT SONG, Richard Gillard)
GC‑669 GC2‑661 G3‑751 J2‑829 J3‑816 CP3‑556 BB21‑386 Acc21‑547
Cántico de Alabanza
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Scott Soper)
J2‑586 J3‑556 SS1‑154 CP3‑363 BB21‑670 Acc21‑269
Canto de Salida
In Christ Alone (Keith Getty, Stuart Townend)
J3‑637 BB21‑412 Acc21‑278

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

19 de septiembre de 2021
8:30am - Joy B
Sing Praise to God, the Gardener (Scot Crandal, Genevieve Glen)
Thy Word Is a Lamp (Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant)
NTY‑117 SS1‑211

Ritos Iniciales

Come, Now Is the Time to Worship (Brian Doerksen)
NTY‑81 SS2‑383 BB21‑542 Acc21‑145
Glory to God (Mass of Renewal) (Curtis Stephan)
J3‑176 CP3‑171 BB21‑873 Acc21‑802

Liturgia de la Palabra

The Lord Upholds My Life (Jackie François)
God Has Called Us Through the Gospel to Possess the Glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Owen Alstott)

Liturgia Eucarística

I Will Have Faith in You (Sarah Hart, Sam Mizell)
NTY‑246 SS2‑388
The Summons (KELVINGROVE, John L. Bell)
GC‑700 GC2‑687 G3‑790 SS1‑137 CP3‑555 BB21‑382 Acc21‑552
Holy (Mass of the Incarnate Word) (Bob Hurd)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of the Incarnate Word) (Bob Hurd)
Amen (Mass of the Incarnate Word) (Bob Hurd)

Rito de la Comunión

Lamb of God (Mass of St. Timothy) (Matt Maher)
A Place at Your Table (Ben Walther)
BB21‑347 Acc21‑24
The Servant Song (SERVANT SONG, Richard Gillard)
GC‑669 GC2‑661 G3‑751 J2‑829 J3‑816 CP3‑556 BB21‑386 Acc21‑547
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Scott Soper)
J2‑586 J3‑556 SS1‑154 CP3‑363 BB21‑670 Acc21‑269

Rito de Conclusión

In Christ Alone (Keith Getty, Stuart Townend)
J3‑637 BB21‑412 Acc21‑278
