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25 de junio de 2021
11am - Gloria Langen
Music starting about 15 minutes before the mass
Down to the River to Pray (Scot Crandal)
BB21‑646 Acc21‑167
Panis Angelicus (César Franck)
Celebrant greets family, prays while sprinkling casket with holy water, places pall.
Be Not Afraid/No Temas Más (Bob Dufford)
GC2‑596 J2‑706 NTY‑213 SS1‑170 CP3‑453 BB21‑432 Acc21‑88
Invitation to Prayer
Celebrant leads the congregation in prayer.
First Reading (Old Testament)
read by friend or family
Salmo Responsorial
Second Reading (New Testament)
read by friend or family
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
Piano Instrumental
Gospel Reading
read by priest
by priest
General Intercessions/Prayers of the Faithful
read by friend or family
Presentation of the Gifts
brought up by family (except in time of COVID)
Preparación de las Ofrendas
Carry Me Home (Rick Modlin, Owen Alstott)
BB21‑676 Acc21‑115
Misterio de la Fe
Padre Nuestro
Cordero de Dios
Miracle of Grace (Curtis Stephan)
BB21‑355 Acc21‑362
Ave María (Franz Schubert)
**a cappella**
Song of Farewell
Go Forth (Trevor Thomson)
Prayer of Commendation
by priest
by friend or family
Canto de Salida
City of God (Dan Schutte)
GC2‑663 J2‑830 NTY‑9 SS1‑106 CP3‑558 BB21‑385 Acc21‑136

Funeral Mass

25 de junio de 2021
11am - Gloria Langen
Music starting about 15 minutes before the mass
Down to the River to Pray (Scot Crandal)
BB21‑646 Acc21‑167
Panis Angelicus (César Franck)

Ritos Iniciales

Celebrant greets family, prays while sprinkling casket with holy water, places pall.
Be Not Afraid/No Temas Más (Bob Dufford)
GC2‑596 J2‑706 NTY‑213 SS1‑170 CP3‑453 BB21‑432 Acc21‑88
Celebrant leads the congregation in prayer.

Liturgia de la Palabra

First Reading (Old Testament)
read by friend or family
Second Reading (New Testament)
read by friend or family
Piano Instrumental
Gospel Reading
read by priest
by priest
General Intercessions/Prayers of the Faithful
read by friend or family

Liturgia Eucarística

Presentation of the Gifts
brought up by family (except in time of COVID)
Carry Me Home (Rick Modlin, Owen Alstott)
BB21‑676 Acc21‑115

Rito de la Comunión

Miracle of Grace (Curtis Stephan)
BB21‑355 Acc21‑362
Ave María (Franz Schubert)
**a cappella**

Última Despedida

Go Forth (Trevor Thomson)
Prayer of Commendation
by priest
by friend or family

Rito de Conclusión

City of God (Dan Schutte)
GC2‑663 J2‑830 NTY‑9 SS1‑106 CP3‑558 BB21‑385 Acc21‑136
