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4 de julio de 2021
11am - Lisa W. PUBLIC MASS
Oceans (Matt Crocker, Joel Houston, Salomon Ligthelm)
Benedicamus Domine (Jerry Estes)
The Lord is My Salvation (arr. Sterling)
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC)
GC2‑759 J2‑681 CP3‑505 BB21‑578 Acc21‑361
Holy Lord (Fettke)
His Eye Is on the Sparrow
Canto de Entrada
I Sing the Mighty Power of God (ELLACOMBE)
J2‑635 CP3‑417 BB21‑425 Acc21‑271
Our God Is Here (Chris Muglia)
NTY‑29 SS2‑395 BB21‑305 Acc21‑419
Primera Lectura
Ezekiel 2:2-5
Salmo Responsorial
Psalm 123:1-2, 2, 3-4
Salmo Responsorial
Our Eyes Are Fixed on the Lord, Pleading for His Mercy (Curtis Stephan)
Segunda Lectura
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
cf. Luke 4:18
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
Alleluia (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Mark 6:1-6
Despedida de los Catecúmenos y Elegidos
Preparación de las Ofrendas
Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN, John Newton)
GC2‑586 J2‑713 NTY‑214 SS1‑104 CP3‑452 BB21‑433 Acc21‑60
Preparación de las Ofrendas
This Is My Song (FINLANDIA, Jean Sibelius)
GC2‑875 J2‑863 CP3‑570 BB21‑733 Acc21‑567
Holy (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Misterio de la Fe
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Amen (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Cordero de Dios
Lamb of God (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Canto de Comunión
Taste and See (James E. Moore)
GC2‑827 CP3‑533 BB21‑331 Acc21‑519
Canto de Salida
At the Name of Jesus (Christopher Walker)
J2‑483 NTY‑5 SS1‑100 CP3‑327 BB21‑717 Acc21‑80
Canto de Salida
God of Our Fathers (NATIONAL HYMN)
J2‑867 CP3‑571 BB21‑736 Acc21‑221
Canto de Salida
In the Day of the Lord (M.D. Ridge)
J2‑685 SS1‑121 CP3‑504 BB21‑576 Acc21‑286
Canto de Salida
This Is My Song (FINLANDIA, Jean Sibelius)
GC2‑875 J2‑863 CP3‑570 BB21‑733 Acc21‑567
Cántico de Alabanza
America the Beautiful (MATERNA)
GC2‑872 J2‑862 CP3‑569 BB21‑735 Acc21‑62
Canto de Salida
Eternal Father, Strong to Save (MELITA, John B. Dykes)
J2‑865 CP3‑567 BB21‑734 Acc21‑176

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

4 de julio de 2021
11am - Lisa W. PUBLIC MASS
Oceans (Matt Crocker, Joel Houston, Salomon Ligthelm)
Benedicamus Domine (Jerry Estes)
The Lord is My Salvation (arr. Sterling)
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC)
GC2‑759 J2‑681 CP3‑505 BB21‑578 Acc21‑361
Holy Lord (Fettke)
His Eye Is on the Sparrow

Ritos Iniciales

I Sing the Mighty Power of God (ELLACOMBE)
J2‑635 CP3‑417 BB21‑425 Acc21‑271
Our God Is Here (Chris Muglia)
NTY‑29 SS2‑395 BB21‑305 Acc21‑419

Liturgia de la Palabra

Primera Lectura
Ezekiel 2:2-5
Salmo Responsorial
Psalm 123:1-2, 2, 3-4
Our Eyes Are Fixed on the Lord, Pleading for His Mercy (Curtis Stephan)
Segunda Lectura
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
cf. Luke 4:18
Alleluia (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Mark 6:1-6

Liturgia Eucarística

Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN, John Newton)
GC2‑586 J2‑713 NTY‑214 SS1‑104 CP3‑452 BB21‑433 Acc21‑60
This Is My Song (FINLANDIA, Jean Sibelius)
GC2‑875 J2‑863 CP3‑570 BB21‑733 Acc21‑567
Holy (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Amen (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)

Rito de la Comunión

Lamb of God (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Taste and See (James E. Moore)
GC2‑827 CP3‑533 BB21‑331 Acc21‑519

Rito de Conclusión

At the Name of Jesus (Christopher Walker)
J2‑483 NTY‑5 SS1‑100 CP3‑327 BB21‑717 Acc21‑80
God of Our Fathers (NATIONAL HYMN)
J2‑867 CP3‑571 BB21‑736 Acc21‑221
In the Day of the Lord (M.D. Ridge)
J2‑685 SS1‑121 CP3‑504 BB21‑576 Acc21‑286


This Is My Song (FINLANDIA, Jean Sibelius)
GC2‑875 J2‑863 CP3‑570 BB21‑733 Acc21‑567
America the Beautiful (MATERNA)
GC2‑872 J2‑862 CP3‑569 BB21‑735 Acc21‑62
Eternal Father, Strong to Save (MELITA, John B. Dykes)
J2‑865 CP3‑567 BB21‑734 Acc21‑176