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20 de junio de 2021
10am - Starry Crowns
One Voice (Wailin' Jennys)
All Night, All Day (Andy Beck)
Lord, Lord (Thomas More Scott)
The Lord is My Salvation (arr. Sterling)
Oceans (Matt Crocker, Joel Houston, Salomon Ligthelm)
Canto de Entrada
Morning Has Broken (BUNESSAN, Eleanor Farjeon)
GC2‑748 J2‑871 SS1‑120 CP3‑572 BB21‑623 Acc21‑364
Wade in the Living Water (SAB) ( (Rebecca Fair/Michael Barrett)
Save Us, O Lord (Bob Dufford)
J2‑555 CP3‑353 BB21‑648 Acc21‑462
Glory to God (Mass of Creation) (Marty Haugen)
GC2‑138 CP3‑139 BB21‑882 Acc21‑786
Salmo Responsorial
Give Thanks to the Lord, His Love Is Everlasting (Owen Alstott)
BB21‑103 RA21‑108
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
Alleluia (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Despedida de los Catecúmenos y Elegidos
Preparación de las Ofrendas
Here I Am (Tom Booth)
J2‑717 NTY‑92 SS1‑180 CP3‑457 BB21‑430 Acc21‑241
Preparación de las Ofrendas
Only in God (John Michael Talbot)
J2‑712 CP3‑459 BB21‑434 Acc21‑414
Preparación de las Ofrendas
Precious Lord, Take My Hand (PRECIOUS LORD, Thomas A. Dorsey)
GC2‑847 CP3‑359 BB21‑663 Acc21‑443
Holy (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Misterio de la Fe
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Amen (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Padre Nuestro
Cordero de Dios
Lamb of God (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Canto de Comunión
O Taste and See (Marty Haugen)
You Are Near (Dan Schutte)
GC2‑590 J2‑722 CP3‑446 BB21‑435 Acc21‑633
Canto de Comunión
Ubi Caritas (Laurence Rosania)
J2‑754 CP3‑476 Acc17‑581 BB21‑477 Acc21‑586
Canto de Comunión
Taste and See (Bob Hurd)
J2‑821 NTY‑78 SS1‑62 CP3‑539 BB21‑337 Acc21‑517
Canto de Salida
Faith of Our Fathers (ST. CATHERINE, Henri F. Hemy, Fredrick William Faber, Fredrick W. Faber)
GC2‑579 J2‑698 CP3‑444 BB21‑495 Acc21‑180
Final Song or Hymn
I Will Lift Up Your Name (Steve Angrisano, Tom Tomaszek)
NTY‑99 SS1‑91

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

20 de junio de 2021
10am - Starry Crowns
One Voice (Wailin' Jennys)
All Night, All Day (Andy Beck)
Lord, Lord (Thomas More Scott)
The Lord is My Salvation (arr. Sterling)
Oceans (Matt Crocker, Joel Houston, Salomon Ligthelm)
Morning Has Broken (BUNESSAN, Eleanor Farjeon)
GC2‑748 J2‑871 SS1‑120 CP3‑572 BB21‑623 Acc21‑364
Wade in the Living Water (SAB) ( (Rebecca Fair/Michael Barrett)

Ritos Iniciales

Save Us, O Lord (Bob Dufford)
J2‑555 CP3‑353 BB21‑648 Acc21‑462
Glory to God (Mass of Creation) (Marty Haugen)
GC2‑138 CP3‑139 BB21‑882 Acc21‑786

Liturgia de la Palabra

Give Thanks to the Lord, His Love Is Everlasting (Owen Alstott)
BB21‑103 RA21‑108
Alleluia (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)

Liturgia Eucarística

Here I Am (Tom Booth)
J2‑717 NTY‑92 SS1‑180 CP3‑457 BB21‑430 Acc21‑241
Only in God (John Michael Talbot)
J2‑712 CP3‑459 BB21‑434 Acc21‑414
Precious Lord, Take My Hand (PRECIOUS LORD, Thomas A. Dorsey)
GC2‑847 CP3‑359 BB21‑663 Acc21‑443
Holy (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
Amen (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)

Rito de la Comunión

Lamb of God (Mass of the Desert) (Tom Booth)
O Taste and See (Marty Haugen)
You Are Near (Dan Schutte)
GC2‑590 J2‑722 CP3‑446 BB21‑435 Acc21‑633
Ubi Caritas (Laurence Rosania)
J2‑754 CP3‑476 Acc17‑581 BB21‑477 Acc21‑586
Taste and See (Bob Hurd)
J2‑821 NTY‑78 SS1‑62 CP3‑539 BB21‑337 Acc21‑517

Rito de Conclusión

Faith of Our Fathers (ST. CATHERINE, Henri F. Hemy, Fredrick William Faber, Fredrick W. Faber)
GC2‑579 J2‑698 CP3‑444 BB21‑495 Acc21‑180
I Will Lift Up Your Name (Steve Angrisano, Tom Tomaszek)
NTY‑99 SS1‑91