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8 de mayo de 2021
5:30pm - *Lisa, Velma, Janis, Dave
Mary’s Song (Millie Rieth)
J2‑495 CP3‑337 Acc17‑353 BB21‑682 Acc21‑357
Baptized in Water (BUNESSAN, Michael Saward)
GC2‑797 J2‑542 CP3‑347 Acc17‑81 BB21‑640 Acc21‑86
Like a Child Rests (Christopher Walker)
J2‑734 CP3‑464 Acc17‑323 BB21‑455 Acc21‑328
Sweet Redeemer (Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart)
NTY‑222 SS2‑417
In Christ Alone (Keith Getty, Stuart Townend)
Acc17‑273 BB21‑412 Acc21‑278
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother (BEAUTIFUL MOTHER, Louis Lambillotte)
J2‑497 CP3‑339 Acc17‑400 BB21‑686 Acc21‑404
Be with Us, Mary (Jenny Pixler, Tom Booth, Mother Teresa of Calcutta , St. Teresa of Calcutta )
Antífona de Entrada
6th Sunday of Easter Entrance Antiphon (Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart, Curtis Stephan)
Be Joyful, Mary, Heavenly Queen (REGINA CAELI)
GC2‑460 J2‑432 CP3‑291 Acc17‑82 BB21‑184 Acc21‑87
Canto de Entrada
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL, Rowland H. Pritchard, Charles Wesley)
GC2‑613 J2‑746 CP3‑475 Acc17‑340 BB21‑485 Acc21‑345
Acto Penitencial
Primera Lectura
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48
Salmo Responsorial
Psalm 98:1, 2-3, 3-4
Salmo Responsorial
The Lord Has Revealed (Tom Booth)
Segunda Lectura
1 John 4:7-10
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
John 14:23
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
John 15:9-17
Preparación de las Ofrendas
Word & Communion Service, requires no Prep of Gifts
Misterio de la Fe
Cordero de Dios
Antífona de Comunión
As a Mother Cares (Barbara Bridge)
Acc20‑912 BB21‑468 Acc21‑68
Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (Carey Landry)
GC2‑779 J2‑489 NTY‑202 SS2‑336 CP3‑332 Acc17‑229 BB21‑694 Acc21‑231
Canto de Salida
We Belong to You (Trevor Thomson, Victoria Thomson)
NTY‑269 Acc17‑595 BB21‑635 Acc21‑601
Final Song or Hymn
The Strife Is O’er (VICTORY, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
GC2‑459 J2‑431 CP3‑289 Acc17‑546 BB21‑565 Acc21‑551
Final Song or Hymn
Hallelujah Is Our Song (Sarah Hart, Sarah Kroger, Josh Blakesley, Trey Heffinger)
Acc19‑899 BB21‑167 Acc21‑235
Canto de Salida
Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise (HOLY ANTHEM)
GC2‑440 J2‑434 CP3‑288 Acc17‑52 BB21‑170 Acc21‑53
Beautiful Mother (Sarah Hart, Kevin B. Hipp)
The Beautiful Mother (John Foley)
Canto de Entrada
Come, Christians, Join to Sing (MADRID, Christian H. Bateman)
J2‑608 CP3‑383 Acc17‑135 BB21‑550 Acc21‑138
Hail, Holy Mother (Christopher Walker)
Canto de Comunión
Hold On to Love (Jesse Manibusan)
Acc18‑875 BB21‑484 Acc21‑244
Canto de Comunión
If God Is for Us (Grayson Warren Brown)
J2‑647 Acc17‑270 BB21‑604 Acc21‑275
Salmo Responsorial
The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations (Owen Alstott)
BB21‑91 RA21‑88
Salmo Responsorial
The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations His Saving Power (Josh Blakesley)
Mary, Woman of the Promise (DRAKES BROUGHTON, Edward Elgar, Mary Frances Fleischaker)
J2‑496 CP3‑340 Acc17‑352
Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest (OUR LADY OF HELP)
O Gentle Mother (Gerard Chiusano, Mary Chiusano)
Canto de Entrada
O Love of God/Amor de Dios (Bob Hurd, Pia Moriarty)
NTY‑30 SS2‑354 Acc17‑387 Acc18‑387 BB21‑316 Acc21‑392
One Mother to Another (Sarah Hart, Laurie Webb)
Sing We of the Blessed Mother (OMNI DIE DIC MARIAE)
GC2‑776 J2‑491
Canto de Salida
Sing with All the Saints in Glory (HYMN TO JOY, William J. Irons)
GC2‑442 J2‑789 CP3‑507 Acc17‑487 BB21‑607 Acc21‑494

Sixth Sunday of Easter (B)

8 de mayo de 2021
5:30pm - *Lisa, Velma, Janis, Dave
Mary’s Song (Millie Rieth)
J2‑495 CP3‑337 Acc17‑353 BB21‑682 Acc21‑357
Baptized in Water (BUNESSAN, Michael Saward)
GC2‑797 J2‑542 CP3‑347 Acc17‑81 BB21‑640 Acc21‑86
Like a Child Rests (Christopher Walker)
J2‑734 CP3‑464 Acc17‑323 BB21‑455 Acc21‑328
Sweet Redeemer (Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart)
NTY‑222 SS2‑417
In Christ Alone (Keith Getty, Stuart Townend)
Acc17‑273 BB21‑412 Acc21‑278
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother (BEAUTIFUL MOTHER, Louis Lambillotte)
J2‑497 CP3‑339 Acc17‑400 BB21‑686 Acc21‑404
Be with Us, Mary (Jenny Pixler, Tom Booth, Mother Teresa of Calcutta , St. Teresa of Calcutta )

Ritos Iniciales

6th Sunday of Easter Entrance Antiphon (Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart, Curtis Stephan)
Be Joyful, Mary, Heavenly Queen (REGINA CAELI)
GC2‑460 J2‑432 CP3‑291 Acc17‑82 BB21‑184 Acc21‑87
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL, Rowland H. Pritchard, Charles Wesley)
GC2‑613 J2‑746 CP3‑475 Acc17‑340 BB21‑485 Acc21‑345

Liturgia de la Palabra

Primera Lectura
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48
Salmo Responsorial
Psalm 98:1, 2-3, 3-4
The Lord Has Revealed (Tom Booth)
Segunda Lectura
1 John 4:7-10
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
John 14:23
John 15:9-17

Liturgia Eucarística

Word & Communion Service, requires no Prep of Gifts

Rito de la Comunión

As a Mother Cares (Barbara Bridge)
Acc20‑912 BB21‑468 Acc21‑68
Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (Carey Landry)
GC2‑779 J2‑489 NTY‑202 SS2‑336 CP3‑332 Acc17‑229 BB21‑694 Acc21‑231

Rito de Conclusión

We Belong to You (Trevor Thomson, Victoria Thomson)
NTY‑269 Acc17‑595 BB21‑635 Acc21‑601
The Strife Is O’er (VICTORY, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
GC2‑459 J2‑431 CP3‑289 Acc17‑546 BB21‑565 Acc21‑551
Hallelujah Is Our Song (Sarah Hart, Sarah Kroger, Josh Blakesley, Trey Heffinger)
Acc19‑899 BB21‑167 Acc21‑235


Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise (HOLY ANTHEM)
GC2‑440 J2‑434 CP3‑288 Acc17‑52 BB21‑170 Acc21‑53
Beautiful Mother (Sarah Hart, Kevin B. Hipp)
The Beautiful Mother (John Foley)
Come, Christians, Join to Sing (MADRID, Christian H. Bateman)
J2‑608 CP3‑383 Acc17‑135 BB21‑550 Acc21‑138
Hail, Holy Mother (Christopher Walker)
Hold On to Love (Jesse Manibusan)
Acc18‑875 BB21‑484 Acc21‑244
If God Is for Us (Grayson Warren Brown)
J2‑647 Acc17‑270 BB21‑604 Acc21‑275
The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations (Owen Alstott)
BB21‑91 RA21‑88
The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations His Saving Power (Josh Blakesley)
Mary, Woman of the Promise (DRAKES BROUGHTON, Edward Elgar, Mary Frances Fleischaker)
J2‑496 CP3‑340 Acc17‑352
Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest (OUR LADY OF HELP)
O Gentle Mother (Gerard Chiusano, Mary Chiusano)
O Love of God/Amor de Dios (Bob Hurd, Pia Moriarty)
NTY‑30 SS2‑354 Acc17‑387 Acc18‑387 BB21‑316 Acc21‑392
One Mother to Another (Sarah Hart, Laurie Webb)
Sing We of the Blessed Mother (OMNI DIE DIC MARIAE)
GC2‑776 J2‑491
Sing with All the Saints in Glory (HYMN TO JOY, William J. Irons)
GC2‑442 J2‑789 CP3‑507 Acc17‑487 BB21‑607 Acc21‑494