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25 de abril de 2021
Antífona de Entrada
ENTRANCE ANTIPHON cf. Psalm 33 (32):5–6 The merciful love of the Lord fills the earth; by the word of the Lord the heavens were made, alleluia.
Canto de Entrada
Resucitó/He Is Risen (Kiko Argüello)
CP3‑287 Acc13‑469 Acc17‑449
Acto Penitencial
Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑180 Acc13‑794 Acc17‑775
Glory to God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑181 Acc13‑795 Acc17‑776
Primera Lectura
Acts 4:8-12
Salmo Responsorial
Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29
Segunda Lectura
1 John 3:1-2
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
John 10:14
John 10:11-18
Preparación de las Ofrendas
Because the Lord Is My Shepherd (Christopher Walker)
CP3‑466 Acc13‑87 Acc17‑89
Holy (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑184 Acc13‑798 Acc17‑779
Misterio de la Fe
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑185 Acc13‑799 Acc17‑780
Doxology and Amen (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑188 Acc13‑802 Acc17‑783
Cordero de Dios
Lamb of God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑189 Acc13‑803 Acc17‑784
Antífona de Comunión
COMMUNION ANTIPHON The Good Shepherd has risen, who laid down his life for his sheep and willingly died for his flock, alleluia.
Canto de Comunión
Shepherd Me, O God (Marty Haugen)
CP3‑474 Acc13‑495 Acc17‑472
Canto de Comunión
Gift of Finest Wheat (BICENTENNIAL, Robert E. Kreutz, Omer Westendorf)
CP3‑526 Acc13‑196 Acc17‑198
Canto de Salida
Lord, You Give the Great Commission (ABBOT’S LEIGH, Cyril Vincent Taylor, Jeffery W. Rowthorn)
CP3‑299 Acc13‑351 Acc17‑339

Fourth Sunday of Easter (B)

25 de abril de 2021

Ritos Iniciales

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON cf. Psalm 33 (32):5–6 The merciful love of the Lord fills the earth; by the word of the Lord the heavens were made, alleluia.
Resucitó/He Is Risen (Kiko Argüello)
CP3‑287 Acc13‑469 Acc17‑449
Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑180 Acc13‑794 Acc17‑775
Glory to God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑181 Acc13‑795 Acc17‑776

Liturgia de la Palabra

Primera Lectura
Acts 4:8-12
Salmo Responsorial
Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29
Segunda Lectura
1 John 3:1-2
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
John 10:14
John 10:11-18

Liturgia Eucarística

Because the Lord Is My Shepherd (Christopher Walker)
CP3‑466 Acc13‑87 Acc17‑89
Holy (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑184 Acc13‑798 Acc17‑779
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑185 Acc13‑799 Acc17‑780
Doxology and Amen (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑188 Acc13‑802 Acc17‑783

Rito de la Comunión

Lamb of God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
CP3‑189 Acc13‑803 Acc17‑784
COMMUNION ANTIPHON The Good Shepherd has risen, who laid down his life for his sheep and willingly died for his flock, alleluia.
Shepherd Me, O God (Marty Haugen)
CP3‑474 Acc13‑495 Acc17‑472
Gift of Finest Wheat (BICENTENNIAL, Robert E. Kreutz, Omer Westendorf)
CP3‑526 Acc13‑196 Acc17‑198

Rito de Conclusión

Lord, You Give the Great Commission (ABBOT’S LEIGH, Cyril Vincent Taylor, Jeffery W. Rowthorn)
CP3‑299 Acc13‑351 Acc17‑339