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26 de junio de 2021
11am - Albert Encarnacion-Gonzales
Music starting about 15 minutes before the mass
Canon in D (Johann Pachelbel)
NO KE ANO' AHI AHI (Original Hawaiian Song)
JC sings original Hawaiian lyrics, Clem plays accompaniment from SS-131
Hawaiian Lullaby- Nyima Gonzales, vocals
Marissa Encarnacion Guitar
Celebrant greets family, prays while sprinkling casket with holy water, places pall.
Come to the Water (John Foley)
GC2‑502 J2‑650 CP3‑434 BB21‑603 Acc21‑153
Canto de Entrada
Come to the Water/I Will Run to You (John Foley, Matt Maher)
Invitation to Prayer
Celebrant leads the congregation in prayer.
First Reading (Old Testament)
read by friend or family
Salmo Responsorial
Taste and See (Bob Hurd)
J2‑821 NTY‑78 SS1‑62 CP3‑539 BB21‑337 Acc21‑517
Second Reading (New Testament)
read by friend or family
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
Gospel Reading
read by priest
by priest
General Intercessions/Prayers of the Faithful
read by friend or family
Presentation of the Gifts
brought up by family (except in time of COVID)
Preparación de las Ofrendas
Prayer of St. Francis/Oración de San Francisco (Sebastian Temple)
NTY‑136 SS1‑199 CP3‑484 Acc13‑455 Acc17‑438 BB19‑523
Misterio de la Fe
Padre Nuestro
Cordero de Dios
Canto de Comunión
We Remember (Marty Haugen)
GC2‑578 CP3‑438 BB21‑493 Acc21‑604
Pan de Vida (Bob Hurd, Pia Moriarty)
GC2‑811 J2‑813 NTY‑74 CP3‑525 BB21‑332 Acc21‑422
Song of Farewell
Go in Peace (Sarah Hart, Dwight Liles)
GP3‑445 J3‑561 SS2‑239 Acc17‑206 CC20‑224 BB20‑669
Song of Farewell
Go Forth (Trevor Thomson)
Prayer of Commendation
by priest
by friend or family
Announcements and Final Blessing
by priest
Canto de Salida
On Eagle’s Wings/En Sus Alas (Michael Joncas)
GC2‑593 J2‑704 NTY‑27 SS1‑195 CP3‑447 BB21‑437 Acc21‑402
Music as people are leaving. This could be non-sacred music.
Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN, John Newton)
If Mae Purganan is available, she will sing Amazing Grace.
NTY‑214 SS1‑104 CP3‑452 Acc13‑58 Acc17‑58 BB19‑432

Funeral Mass

26 de junio de 2021
11am - Albert Encarnacion-Gonzales
Music starting about 15 minutes before the mass
Canon in D (Johann Pachelbel)
NO KE ANO' AHI AHI (Original Hawaiian Song)
JC sings original Hawaiian lyrics, Clem plays accompaniment from SS-131
Hawaiian Lullaby- Nyima Gonzales, vocals
Marissa Encarnacion Guitar

Ritos Iniciales

Celebrant greets family, prays while sprinkling casket with holy water, places pall.
Come to the Water (John Foley)
GC2‑502 J2‑650 CP3‑434 BB21‑603 Acc21‑153
Come to the Water/I Will Run to You (John Foley, Matt Maher)
Celebrant leads the congregation in prayer.

Liturgia de la Palabra

First Reading (Old Testament)
read by friend or family
Taste and See (Bob Hurd)
J2‑821 NTY‑78 SS1‑62 CP3‑539 BB21‑337 Acc21‑517
Second Reading (New Testament)
read by friend or family
Gospel Reading
read by priest
by priest
General Intercessions/Prayers of the Faithful
read by friend or family

Liturgia Eucarística

Presentation of the Gifts
brought up by family (except in time of COVID)
Prayer of St. Francis/Oración de San Francisco (Sebastian Temple)
NTY‑136 SS1‑199 CP3‑484 Acc13‑455 Acc17‑438 BB19‑523

Rito de la Comunión

We Remember (Marty Haugen)
GC2‑578 CP3‑438 BB21‑493 Acc21‑604
Pan de Vida (Bob Hurd, Pia Moriarty)
GC2‑811 J2‑813 NTY‑74 CP3‑525 BB21‑332 Acc21‑422

Última Despedida

Go in Peace (Sarah Hart, Dwight Liles)
GP3‑445 J3‑561 SS2‑239 Acc17‑206 CC20‑224 BB20‑669
Go Forth (Trevor Thomson)
Prayer of Commendation
by priest
by friend or family

Rito de Conclusión

by priest
On Eagle’s Wings/En Sus Alas (Michael Joncas)
GC2‑593 J2‑704 NTY‑27 SS1‑195 CP3‑447 BB21‑437 Acc21‑402

Postludes, if desired

Music as people are leaving. This could be non-sacred music.
Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN, John Newton)
If Mae Purganan is available, she will sing Amazing Grace.
NTY‑214 SS1‑104 CP3‑452 Acc13‑58 Acc17‑58 BB19‑432