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1 de abril de 2021
Apuntes: The Church bells are rung during the singing of the Gloria
Our Blessing Cup (Bob Hurd)
Annabella Descant/Cantor Ensemble SAB
CP3‑535 UC18‑522 UC21‑520
Antífona de Entrada
Holy Thursday Entrance Antiphon (Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart, Curtis Stephan)
Canto de Entrada
Glory in the Cross (Dan Schutte)
The Church bells are rung during the singing of the Gloria
CP3‑313 Acc20‑204
Glory to God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Cantor Ensemble SAB The Church bells are rung during the singing of the Gloria
CP3‑181 UC18‑2 UC21‑2
Primera Lectura
Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
Salmo Responsorial
Psalm 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18
Salmo Responsorial
El Cáliz que Bendecimos/Our Blessing-Cup (Jaime Cortez)
Anabella Psalmist Verses 1&3 English and Verse 2 Spanish/Cantor Ensemble Refrain
Segunda Lectura
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
John 13:34
Aclamación antes del Evangelio (Cuaresma)
Aclamación Antes del Evangelio para Cuaresma / Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Misa Juan Diego) (Rufino Zaragoza)
Annabella Gospel Acclamation HOLY THURSDAY Verse in Spanish ONLY/Cantor Ensemble Refrain
Sheet Music
John 13:1-15
Canto para el Lavatorio de los Pies
As I Have Done for You (Dan Schutte)
In the event the Washing of Feet is omitted this year due to Covid-19 we will sing 2 preludes and use this song as a Prelude. Cantor Ensemble SAB
Aclamación en la Presentación de los Óleos
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos (Pedro Rubalcava)
Preparación de las Ofrendas
How Beautiful (Twila Paris)
MUST START IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL... Annabella and Jim Solo up to "and as He laid down His Life" Bridge SAB Cantor Ensemble enters. Omitting Verse 3
Sheet Music
Holy (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Misterio de la Fe
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Doxology and Amen (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Padre Nuestro
Cordero de Dios
Lamb of God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Antífona de Comunión
Holy Thursday Communion Antiphon (Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart, Curtis Stephan)
Canto de Comunión
Bread of Angels (Curtis Stephan)
Annabella English Verses 1 to 3/ Cantor Ensemble SAB Latin and Verse 4
Acc16‑914 Sheet Music
Canto de Comunión
Amén. El Cuerpo de Cristo (John Schiavone)
Annabella Spanish Verses/Cantor Ensemble Refrain
UC18‑529 Acc18‑59 UC21‑529 Sheet Music
Canto para la Procesión con el Santísimo Sacramento
Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi/Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory (ST. THOMAS (TANTUM ERGO), Edward Caswall)
Annabella 1st Verse...each verse add one voice to Annabella. DO NOT SING VERSES 5 & 6 (We will repeat verses as above if necessary.) until Father reaches the place of reposition. He then incenses the Blessed Sacrament while verse 5 is sung.
CP3‑271 UC18‑356 UC21‑350

Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper

1 de abril de 2021
Apuntes: The Church bells are rung during the singing of the Gloria

Ritos Iniciales

Our Blessing Cup (Bob Hurd)
Annabella Descant/Cantor Ensemble SAB
CP3‑535 UC18‑522 UC21‑520
Holy Thursday Entrance Antiphon (Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart, Curtis Stephan)
Glory in the Cross (Dan Schutte)
The Church bells are rung during the singing of the Gloria
CP3‑313 Acc20‑204
Glory to God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Cantor Ensemble SAB The Church bells are rung during the singing of the Gloria
CP3‑181 UC18‑2 UC21‑2

Liturgia de la Palabra

Primera Lectura
Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
Salmo Responsorial
Psalm 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18
El Cáliz que Bendecimos/Our Blessing-Cup (Jaime Cortez)
Anabella Psalmist Verses 1&3 English and Verse 2 Spanish/Cantor Ensemble Refrain
Segunda Lectura
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
John 13:34
Aclamación Antes del Evangelio para Cuaresma / Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Misa Juan Diego) (Rufino Zaragoza)
Annabella Gospel Acclamation HOLY THURSDAY Verse in Spanish ONLY/Cantor Ensemble Refrain
Sheet Music
John 13:1-15

Lavatorio de los Pies

As I Have Done for You (Dan Schutte)
In the event the Washing of Feet is omitted this year due to Covid-19 we will sing 2 preludes and use this song as a Prelude. Cantor Ensemble SAB
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos (Pedro Rubalcava)

Liturgia Eucarística

How Beautiful (Twila Paris)
MUST START IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL... Annabella and Jim Solo up to "and as He laid down His Life" Bridge SAB Cantor Ensemble enters. Omitting Verse 3
Sheet Music
Holy (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Doxology and Amen (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)

Rito de la Comunión

Lamb of God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Holy Thursday Communion Antiphon (Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart, Curtis Stephan)
Bread of Angels (Curtis Stephan)
Annabella English Verses 1 to 3/ Cantor Ensemble SAB Latin and Verse 4
Acc16‑914 Sheet Music
Amén. El Cuerpo de Cristo (John Schiavone)
Annabella Spanish Verses/Cantor Ensemble Refrain
UC18‑529 Acc18‑59 UC21‑529 Sheet Music

Traslado del Santísimo Sacramento

Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi/Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory (ST. THOMAS (TANTUM ERGO), Edward Caswall)
Annabella 1st Verse...each verse add one voice to Annabella. DO NOT SING VERSES 5 & 6 (We will repeat verses as above if necessary.) until Father reaches the place of reposition. He then incenses the Blessed Sacrament while verse 5 is sung.
CP3‑271 UC18‑356 UC21‑350