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17 de noviembre de 2020
In the Breaking of the Bread Michael Philip Ward
Michael Philip Ward
Confirmandi Entrance
All Are Welcome (Jesse Manibusan, Jennah Manibusan)
Acc18‑869 UC21‑480 Sheet Music
Prelude after Candidates are seated IF NEEDED
Miserando Atque Eligendo
Miserando Atque Eligendo
Sheet Music from Passion Play that wasn't
Come Holy Spirit Come (Kauffman)
Salmo Responsorial
Lord, Send out Your Spirit DONALD FISHEL
Annabella and Nicoletta Psalmists
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
Come, Holy Spirit, Fill the Hearts of Your Faithful and Kindle in them the Fire of your Love (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene) (Sarah Hart)
Canto antes de la Confirmación
Sacred Silence Mrs Ricci and Mrs Baruffi (Tom Booth, Jenny Pixler, Anthony Kuner)
Mrs Ricci and Mrs Baruffi
Acc13‑475 UC18‑724 UC21‑692
Canto durante la Confirmación
Veni Sancte Spíritus
Annabella and Nicoletta Verses and female voices
Martinez Sheet Music
Canto durante la Confirmación
Litany of the Spirit (Paul Hillebrand, John D. Becker)
Jim AND Rich Verses
Chant during Confirmation
The Jesus Song (Tom Booth)
UC18‑730 UC21‑668 Sheet Music
Canto de Salida
Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go (Luke D. Rosen, James Quinn)
Acc20‑918 Sheet Music


17 de noviembre de 2020

Introductory Rites

In the Breaking of the Bread Michael Philip Ward
Michael Philip Ward
All Are Welcome (Jesse Manibusan, Jennah Manibusan)
Acc18‑869 UC21‑480 Sheet Music
Miserando Atque Eligendo
Miserando Atque Eligendo
Sheet Music from Passion Play that wasn't
Come Holy Spirit Come (Kauffman)

Liturgia de la Palabra

Lord, Send out Your Spirit DONALD FISHEL
Annabella and Nicoletta Psalmists
Come, Holy Spirit, Fill the Hearts of Your Faithful and Kindle in them the Fire of your Love (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene) (Sarah Hart)

Rito de la Confirmación

Sacred Silence Mrs Ricci and Mrs Baruffi (Tom Booth, Jenny Pixler, Anthony Kuner)
Mrs Ricci and Mrs Baruffi
Acc13‑475 UC18‑724 UC21‑692
Veni Sancte Spíritus
Annabella and Nicoletta Verses and female voices
Martinez Sheet Music
Litany of the Spirit (Paul Hillebrand, John D. Becker)
Jim AND Rich Verses
The Jesus Song (Tom Booth)
UC18‑730 UC21‑668 Sheet Music

Rito de Conclusión

Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go (Luke D. Rosen, James Quinn)
Acc20‑918 Sheet Music