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15 de septiembre de 2019
5-Dom; 9:30-David/1st CHOIR; 11:15-Cathy
Apuntes: 5:00-Dom; 9:30-Dave/CHOIR; 11:15-Cathy
Personal :
Staff: Staff
Gather Your People (Bob Hurd)
quietly/laid back prelude
CP3‑516 Acc17‑197 BB19‑313
Canto de Entrada
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (LAUDA ANIMA)
CP3‑389 Acc17‑434 LKAB‑152 BB19‑547
Glory to God (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)
Primera Lectura
Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14
Salmo Responsorial
Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19
Salmo Responsorial
Ps. 51-I Will Rise and Go to My Father (Owen Alstott)
Segunda Lectura
1 Timothy 1:12-17
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
2 Corinthians 5:19
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
Alleluia (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)
NEW!! LISTEN to example. Use verse 4 or same as example
CP3‑156 Acc17‑842 BB19‑853
Luke 15:1-32 or Luke 15:1-10
Preparación de las Ofrendas
Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN, John Newton)
CP3‑452 Acc17‑58 LKAB‑13 BB19‑432
Holy (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)
Misterio de la Fe
When We Eat This Bread (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)
CP3‑160 Acc17‑846 BB19‑857
Amen (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)
Cordero de Dios
Lamb of God (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)
Canto de Comunión
Hosea (Gregory Norbet)
CP3‑355 Acc17‑251 BB19‑666
Meditation Hymn of Praise
Loving and Forgiving (Scott Soper)
If extended time needed, do refrain twice, cantor verse 3 only, refrain. Segue back to hints of Hosea motif instrumentally to complete
CP3‑356 Acc17‑344 BB19‑665
Canto de Salida
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (HYMN TO JOY, Ludwig van Beethoven)
VERSES 3 & 4
CP3‑388 Acc17‑302 LKAB‑114 BB19‑543
Organ Postlude (JC Choice)

SEPT 15-Twenty-fourth OT/ Catechetical Sunday

15 de septiembre de 2019
5-Dom; 9:30-David/1st CHOIR; 11:15-Cathy
Apuntes: 5:00-Dom; 9:30-Dave/CHOIR; 11:15-Cathy
Personal :
Staff: Staff

Ritos Iniciales

Gather Your People (Bob Hurd)
quietly/laid back prelude
CP3‑516 Acc17‑197 BB19‑313
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (LAUDA ANIMA)
CP3‑389 Acc17‑434 LKAB‑152 BB19‑547
Glory to God (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)

Liturgia de la Palabra

Primera Lectura
Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14
Salmo Responsorial
Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19
Ps. 51-I Will Rise and Go to My Father (Owen Alstott)
Segunda Lectura
1 Timothy 1:12-17
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
2 Corinthians 5:19
Alleluia (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)
NEW!! LISTEN to example. Use verse 4 or same as example
CP3‑156 Acc17‑842 BB19‑853
Luke 15:1-32 or Luke 15:1-10

Liturgia Eucarística

Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN, John Newton)
CP3‑452 Acc17‑58 LKAB‑13 BB19‑432
Holy (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)
When We Eat This Bread (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)
CP3‑160 Acc17‑846 BB19‑857
Amen (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)

Rito de la Comunión

Lamb of God (Mass of the Resurrection) (Randall DeBruyn)
Hosea (Gregory Norbet)
CP3‑355 Acc17‑251 BB19‑666
Loving and Forgiving (Scott Soper)
If extended time needed, do refrain twice, cantor verse 3 only, refrain. Segue back to hints of Hosea motif instrumentally to complete
CP3‑356 Acc17‑344 BB19‑665

Rito de Conclusión

Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (HYMN TO JOY, Ludwig van Beethoven)
VERSES 3 & 4
CP3‑388 Acc17‑302 LKAB‑114 BB19‑543
Organ Postlude (JC Choice)