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March 17, 2019
Our God Is Here (Chris Muglia)
Acc13‑432 MI19‑305
First Reading
Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 27:1, 7-8, 8-9, 13-14
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation (Owen Alstott)
Second Reading
Philippians 3:17 - 4:1 or Philippians 3:20 - 4:1
Gospel Acclamation
cf. Matthew 17:5
Lenten Gospel Acclamation
From the Shining Cloud the Father's Voice Is Heard: This Is My Beloved Son, Hear Him (Owen Alstott)
Luke 9:28b-36
Holy (Belmont Mass) (Christopher Walker)
Mystery of Faith
Save Us, Savior (Belmont Mass) (Christopher Walker)
Doxology and Amen (Belmont Mass) (Christopher Walker)
Lamb of God
Lamb of God (Belmont Mass) (Christopher Walker)
In Christ Alone (Keith Getty, Stuart Townend)
Final Song or Hymn
Change Our Hearts (Rory Cooney)