This page allows you to print an outline with song numbers and, for those with a Digital Library, download sheet music for the songs in this outline. To print the outline, simply click "Print". If a "Download Music Files" button is available, use this to download sheet music and audio for this outline. To control whether composer names, Mass parts, section headings and scripture references are included on the printout, update your custom settings.

Tips for sharing: 1) You can copy the URL of this page and share with your choir. They will be able to see the outline, print it themselves, and listen to 90 second previews of the songs. 2) You can print the PDF and attach it to an email from your personal email client.

February 04, 2025
God, We Praise You (NETTLETON, Christopher Idle)
First Reading
Hebrews 12:1-4
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 22:26b-27, 28 and 30, 31-32
Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 8:17
Mark 5:21-43
Make Your Home in Me (Ben Walther)
Final Song or Hymn
God, We Praise You (NETTLETON, Christopher Idle)