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May 21, 2023
Entrance Antiphon
At the Lamb’s High Feast (SALZBURG)
Penitential Act
First Reading
Acts 1:12-14
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 27:1, 4, 7-8
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord is my Light Ps. 27, lower key
Second Reading
1 Peter 4:13-16
Gospel Acclamation
cf. John 14:18
Gospel Acclamation
John 17:1-11a
Dismissal of Catechumens/Elect
Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts
Shout to the Lord
Mystery of Faith
Lord's Prayer
Lamb of God
Communion Antiphon
Here I Am, Lord
Song of Praise
These Alone are Enough
Final Song or Hymn
Alleluia, Alleluia, let the holy anthem rise

Seventh Sunday of Easter (A)

May 21, 2023

Introductory Rites

At the Lamb’s High Feast (SALZBURG)

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Acts 1:12-14
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 27:1, 4, 7-8
The Lord is my Light Ps. 27, lower key
Second Reading
1 Peter 4:13-16
Gospel Acclamation
cf. John 14:18
John 17:1-11a

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Shout to the Lord

Communion Rite

Here I Am, Lord
These Alone are Enough

Concluding Rites

Alleluia, Alleluia, let the holy anthem rise