This page allows you to print an outline with song numbers and, for those with a Digital Library, download sheet music for the songs in this outline. To print the outline, simply click "Print". If a "Download Music Files" button is available, use this to download sheet music and audio for this outline. To control whether composer names, Mass parts, section headings and scripture references are included on the printout, update your custom settings.

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December 29, 2022
11am St Michael
Notes: Psalmists Annabella and Nicoletta

Meditation Soloist Jim

Prelude Guest Soloist
Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN, John Newton)
Sung at Casket closing by family friend
Acc21‑60 LKAB‑13 CP4‑189
Fly Like a Bird (Ken Canedo)
Acc21‑184 CP4‑263
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Psalm 103) (Craig Colson, Kristen Colson)
Annabella and Nicoletta Psalmists
Sheet music
Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia (Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador) (Dan Schutte)
Acc21‑778 CP4‑106
Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts
You Are Mine (David Haas)
Holy (Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador) (Dan Schutte)
Acc21‑780 CP4‑108
Mystery of Faith
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador) (Dan Schutte)
Acc21‑781 CP4‑109
Doxology and Amen (Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador) (Dan Schutte)
Acc21‑784 CP4‑112
Lamb of God
Lamb of God (Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador) (Dan Schutte)
Acc21‑785 CP4‑113
I Am the Bread of Life/Yo Soy el Pan de Vida (Suzanne Toolan)
Acc21‑264 CP4‑318
Pastures of the Lord (Curtis Stephan)
Sheet music
Song of Farewell
Song of Farewell (Ernest Sands)
Acc21‑498 CP4‑460
Final Song or Hymn
Go in Peace (Sarah Hart, Dwight Liles)
Acc21‑207 CP4‑282