Look below to find answers to commonly asked questions about Liturgy.com.

We also have a YouTube channel to learn how to use Liturgy.com like a power user! Link to Liturgy.com YouTube channel







  • Why should I use Liturgy.com - makes it worthwhile?

    Liturgy.com is a trusted planning tool that allows you to find the perfect music for every day of the liturgical year. Its intuitive design and comprehensive resources make it the easiest way to plan liturgically correct Masses with music that your parish loves in just minutes.

    • Easily drag and drop songs into dynamic Outlines that are pre-populated with all the correct liturgical moments
    • Get expert suggestions for each liturgy during Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, Holy Week and Easter
    • Keep track of your parish’s favorite Mass settings and songs with Playlists and easily add them to your Outlines
    • Organize, reference, and import previously planned liturgies to make planning a breeze
    • Effortlessly email, print and share music with your ministry team


  • What are the differences between the three subscription levels?

    The three subscription levels are Basic (Free), Plus ($44/year), and Premium ($145/year).

    The Basic subscription is intended for people who either want to try out Liturgy.com or only plan music for liturgies occasionally. With the Basic tier you will be able to plan for Sundays and solemnities with the full music list in Liturgy.com at your disposal, including popular Mass settings. You will also get three song suggestions for each liturgical moment to help you choose and can print out your Outlines. You are limited to five saved Outlines so if you reach that limit, you will have to delete outlines to plan more.

    The Plus subscription is intended for those who more regularly plan music for liturgies, but don’t need to have multiple users or a complete planning history. Compared to Basic, you get the full set of Today’s Liturgy and Liturgia y Canción recommendations, the ability to email Outlines directly to your choir, and the ability to plan special liturgies like funerals and weddings. You will also be able to listen to the audio of the songs you are planning and see a preview of the sheet music, right in the tool. To make planning quicker, you can also save songs in Playlists and create custom Mass settings. Lastly, you can keep up to 25 outlines at a time.

    The Premium subscription is for those who want all the features. It comes with unlimited Outlines so you can save and reference every Outline you have ever made and you can have up to five users on your account. You can also see all the suggestions ever made for each liturgical moment for a huge list to choose from. There is also the option to plan daily Masses on the Premium tier.

  • How do Outline limits work for the Basic and Plus subscriptions?

    With a Basic subscription you are limited to five saved Outlines and with a Plus subscription you have 25. Once you reach those limits you will have to delete saved Outlines to be able to continue to create new Outlines. You will get notifications when you are nearing your limit and when you have reached your limit.

    The Premium subscription has unlimited saved Outlines.

  • What constitutes "Special Liturgies"? Which daily liturgies are available on Premium?

    Under Special Liturgies, we include templates for the following celebrations:

    • Weddings
    • Baptisms
    • Anointing of the Sick
    • Confirmation
    • Reconciliation
    • Funerals
    • Quinceañeras
    • Adoration

    On Premium you can also plan for any and all of the daily Masses on the U.S. liturgical calendar, including memorials and optional memorials.


  • What does "Share Outlines" mean? How does it work?

    Liturgy.com has a feature where you can manage the personnel in your choir with their emails and assign them to an Outline. When your Outline is complete, you can email the Outline to your personnel directly from Liturgy.com.

  • What does it mean to plan with a resource?

    Under My Resources, you can select which resources your community uses or has access to. Once you have selected these, a small badge will appear on every song that appears in your resources, so you quickly know which songs you have access to. Additionally, once you add these songs to an Outline, the song numbers in your resources will populate automatically.

    Liturgy.com has the full suite of OCP missals and hymnals as well as many of the most popular non-OCP missals and hymnals.

  • What kinds of suggestions do I get in each subscription level?

    The Basic subscription gets a sample of our suggestions consisting of the top 3 suggestions for each liturgical moment from Today’s Liturgy and Liturgia y Canción as well as songs that reference the scripture readings in that liturgy. Plus users will have the full set of suggestions from these resources. Meanwhile, Premium users get an expanded list of suggestions consisting of the full history of these resources as well as songs that are trending across Liturgy.com users.

  • Which subscription levels include Today’s Liturgy and Liturgia y Canción articles?

    Premium and Plus users can access the archives of all the Today’s Liturgy and Liturgia y Canción articles.

  • What customization settings are available for the paid subscriptions?

    Plus and Premium users can create custom Mass settings and templates that can be used to quickly populate an Outline with commonly used arrangements of songs. Additionally, these users can adjust which liturgical moments show up by default (e.g. Preludes or 2nd Communion song), the default list in the Song Suggestion pane, and which information shows up on the printed Outline.

  • Do you provide recommendations from non-OCP products

    The Song Suggestions and OCP Staff Picks are selected from songs that are in OCP products. However, many of these songs can also be found in non-OCP products. If you select these products in My Resources, they will be identified in the Song Suggestion pane just like an OCP product.

  • How do I upgrade to a higher subscription level? Do I have to pay for a whole new year

    On the My Subscription page, you can quickly and easily upgrade your account. If you are upgrading from a Basic subscription, you simply click the "Upgrade" button under Plus or Premium and purchase a year’s subscription.

    If you are currently on Plus, you can select the button to upgrade to Premium. If you are partially through your Plus subscription, you will pay a pro-rated amount to access Premium features for the remainder of your subscription. If you are near the end of your Plus subscription, you will immediately get access to Premium features if you purchase Premium for the next year.

  • What happens if I want to downgrade?

    Right now, Liturgy.com requires you to go to your account settings and choose to renew your subscription as you approach your end date. If you decide you no longer want to pay for a subscription, simply do not renew and you will not be charged. Your account will be changed to a Basic account, which is free.

    If you would like to change from Premium to Plus, simply click the "Renew" button under Plus on the My Subscription page.

  • What happens to my Outlines, Playlists, etc. if I downgrade my subscription?

    If you downgrade your subscription, you it will lower the number of Outlines you can have, and you may lose access to your content in certain features like Playlists, custom songs, etc. Don’t fret! We have archived all of these items so, if you decide to upgrade again, they will be restored and there waiting for you.

    However, if you delete Outlines to make room to create more Outlines, those will be deleted forever and cannot be retrieved.

  • How can I add a song to my Outline that is not in a suggestion list?

    You can find a song by entering the name in the search field located in the Song Catalog tab in the Songs & Suggestions feature next to your Outline. When you find your desired song drag and drop it onto your Outline.

  • How do I add a song to a Mass setting template that is not listed in the song suggestions?

    You can find a song by entering the name in the search field located in the Song Catalog tab in the Songs & Suggestions feature next to your template. When you find your desired song drag and drop it onto your template.

    Click the action menu [] on the slot you want to add a song and select Edit. From there you can manually enter a song.

  • How can I manually add a song to a slot?

    Click the action menu [] on the slot you want to manually enter a song. Select "Edit" which will open a modal where you can manually enter a song.

  • How do I edit or remove song numbers from my Outline?

    Click the action menu [] on the slot that you want to edit the song numbers. Select "Edit" which will open a modal where you can update or remove the song numbers. To clear them completely click on X. If you cleared them by mistake you can click the circular arrow and the preset numbers will appear.


  • How do I set up my account?

    Click the “Sign Up Today” button on the landing page or the “Create Account” link on the Sign In page. Follow the on-screen directions to choose a subscription level and enter your information. For a paid subscription (Plus and Premium), you will then have to check out to purchase the subscription.

  • How do I create an Outline?

    On the left navigation pane, choose “Plan Music.” Scroll to the celebration you wish to plan and click the “New Outline” link for that celebration. You can also select “Create a New Outline” near the top of the dashboard to quickly create an Outline for the upcoming celebration.

  • How do I add songs to an Outline?

    When working on an Outline planning page, look for the music list to the left of your Outline. Choose your desired song and simply drag the song onto to your Outline or use the action menu. To find different songs, choose the drop down for different suggestion lists or choose the “Song Catalog” tab to search the entire music database.

  • How do I create a custom template for a Mass setting or a specific celebration?

    On the left navigation pane, click on your name to activate the drop-down menu, then click on “Mass Settings.” You can select an existing setting or click the “Create Mass Setting” button to start a new one.

    This feature is available for Plus and Premium users.

  • How can I access the full readings for a celebration?

    On the left navigation pane, click on “Plan Music.” Each celebration on the “Plan Music” landing page has an Overview link. You can also click on the "Overview" link from the top of any Outline. The "Overview" page offers a summary of the celebration along with reading synopses. At the bottom of the page, there is a "View Full Readings" button which will take you to usccb.org, the official United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website where you can review the readings in their entirety.

    For information on including reading texts in projections or worship aids, visit th usscb.org website.

  • How can I copy an Outline?

    Working from an existing Outline, you can click on the gear in the top right corner and select “Copy to New Outline.”

    Additionally, when creating a new Outline for a celebration, you can choose to copy from a past Outline of the same celebration on the Outline setup page.

  • How do My Playlists work?

    On the left navigation pane, click on your name to activate the drop-down menu, then click on “My Playlists” to access. Think of My Playlists like a digital notebook where you can jot down song ideas for a certain liturgy or season and easily apply them to any of your Outlines. There are several ways you can add songs to your Playlists (from a search, the dashboard, suggested songs, etc.).

    This feature is available for Plus and Premium users.

  • How do I access Outlines from past celebrations?

    You can access past celebrations in two different ways.

    First, you can select “Plan Music” or “My Outlines” from the left navigation pane and use the tabs and menus at the top of the page to select the year and season you’d like to view.

    Additionally, from a celebration Overview page, you can select the “View Past Outlines” button. Celebration Overview pages can be found by clicking on the “Overview” link at the top of any Outline or by clicking on “Plan Music” on the left navigation pane, then clicking on the “Overview” link for the celebration you are interested in.

  • Are there song suggestions to help me fill out my outlines?

    Yes, in the song suggestion panel on the Outline planning page.

  • Is there a place for me to make notes about a song in my Outline?

    Yes, when you are in an Outline, simply click on the “Notes” pencil icon at the top of the screen and a text box will appear for note taking. Anything you type in the Notes box will appear on the PDF or printed Outline.

  • Can I send a digital copy of an Outline to my ensemble?

    Yes, you can save a PDF of an Outline and email it yourself by clicking the print icon button at the top of any Outline. Additionally, you can click the email button which will allow you to send the email directly from the site.

    This feature is available for Plus and Premium users.

  • How can I add a song to an Outline that is not on Liturgy.com?

    On the left navigation pane, click on your name to activate the drop-down menu, then click on “Custom Songs.” Click on the “Add a Song Not Listed” button on the bottom right of the page. Once you have added a custom song, you can add it to one of the My Playlists or an Outline right away but it may not appear in search results for up to 24 hours.

    This feature is available for Plus and Premium users.

  • Why can't I find my custom song in search?

    It will take 24 hours for a newly added song to be imported into your search results. However, it will appear immediately in your Custom Songs list found by clicking on your name on the left navigation pane and selecting “Custom Songs” from the drop-down menu. From there, you can add the song to one of the My Playlists for use in a celebration.

  • Where can I find Prayers of the Faithful content for celebrations?

    From a celebration Overview page, click the “Other Resources” button and you can download a PDF of Prayer of the Faithful in both English and Spanish.

    Celebration Overview pages can be found by clicking on the “Overview” link at the top of any Outline or by clicking on “Plan Music” on the left navigation pane, then clicking on the “Overview” link for the celebration you are interested in.

    This feature is available for Premium users.

  • Where are the celebration and reading summaries?

    On celebration Overview pages. These can be found by clicking on the “Overview” link at the top of any Outline or by clicking on “Plan Music” on the left navigation pane, then clicking on the “Overview” link for the celebration you are interested in.

  • Where is the ordo?

    From a celebration Overview page, click the “Other Resources” button and you can download the PDF of the ordo under the heading “Celebration Summary.”

    This feature is available for Premium users.

    Celebration Overview pages can be found by clicking on the “Overview” link at the top of any Outline or by clicking on “Plan Music” on the left navigation pane, then clicking on the “Overview” link for the celebration you are interested in.

  • How do I create custom settings for my Outlines?

    On the left navigation pane, click on your name to activate the drop-down menu, then click on “Account Details.” On the left side of your screen under “Account Details,” select “Custom Settings.”

    This feature is available for Plus and Premium users.

  • How do I add an additional Liturgical Moment or Heading?

    You can add a new slot to your Outline by scrolling to the bottom of the Outline and clicking "+Add Liturgical Moment or Heading." You can also add a slot to all future Outlines by adjusting your custom settings.

    On the left navigation pane, click on your name to activate the drop-down menu, then click on “Account Details.” On the left side of your screen under Account Details, select “Custom Settings.” Here, you can choose to make changes to your Outlines that will remain in your custom settings.

    Custom Settings is available for Plus and Premium users.


  • Are non-OCP resources supported?

    Yes. You can find songs from a select number of third-party hymnals and songbooks through the search feature; these songs can be added to any celebration Outline from “Resources” in the dropdown menu under your name in the left navigation pane.

    To see which third party resources are available, click here.

  • Can other ministers at my church use the same account?

    Yes, up to five users can be associated with one Premium account. Basic and Plus accounts are limited to one user.

    If you have a Breaking Bread or Spirit & Song Digital Music Library subscription with multiple users, all of them will automatically have access to Liturgy.com with a Premium subscription. Digital library subscriptions should manage their users on ICRmusic.org.

    Note: all users on an account will be able to view all the activity of any other user on the account.

  • What is my login for Liturgy.com?

    Your initial login will be the email address and password associated with your ocp.org account. If you don’t have an existing ocp.org account, one will be created for you when you set up your account. Your login and password for both Liturgy.com and ocp.org will be identical.

  • How do I change the email or password for my account?

    To change your password or email, click on your name in the left navigation pane to activate the drop-down menu and select "Account Details.” On the left side of your screen under “Account Details,” select “Login & Security.”

  • How do I add a user to an account?

    If you have a Premium subscription you can add up to five users to your account. To add a user to your account, click on your name in the left navigation pane to activate the drop-down menu and select "Account Details.” On the left side of your screen under “Account Details,” select “Manage Users.” If you choose to make the new user an admin, they can add and remove other users.

  • How do I cancel my subscription?

    Your Liturgy.com subscription will automatically expire at the end of your year-long term. To view the end date of the subscription, click on your name in the left navigation pane to activate the drop-down menu and select "My Subscription.”

  • How do I renew my subscription?

    To renew your subscription, click on your name in the left navigation pane to activate the drop-down menu and select "My Subscription. When you are within 60 days of the end of your subscription, “Renew” buttons will be available. Click the “Renew” button for the subscription level you would like to purchase as a year-long subscription.

  • I cannot use my personal credit card. Can my parish be billed?

    Yes, simply select your parish’s billing account when checking out. If your parish’s billing account does not appear at checkout, contact OCP Customer Service at 1-800-548-8749.

  • Where do I print my receipt?

    When you purchase or renew a Liturgy.com subscription, you will receive a transaction receipt via email from ocp.org. You can print this receipt at your convenience.


  • I accidentally deleted my Outline. How do I get it back?

    Unfortunately, there is no way to recover deleted Outlines.

  • Do I still need to report song usage for my copyright licenses?

    Yes. Liturgy.com does not provide copyright licenses or report usage. If you have a copyright license through One License, CCLI, etc., you must report usage through those tools. Learn more about licensing at OneLicense.net.

  • How do I purchase choral or instrument arrangements for songs I've included in an Outline?

    Choral and instrumental arrangements, if available for a song, can be purchased at ocp.org.

  • What music is suggested for psalms?

    Liturgy.com recommends music using verbatim psalm texts for the psalm response from OCP resources Respond & Acclaim, A Lectionary Psalter and Spirit & Psalm.

Icon Key

  • Menu
  • Account Details
  • Language
  • Search
  • What's New
  • Dashboard
  • Plan Music
  • My Outlines
  • Enrich Your Ministry
  • Explore Music
  • Action Menu
  • Print
  • Email
  • Settings
  • Edit

Resource key

Worship resources supported by Liturgy.com

  • AC = Alabanza Coral
  • Acc = Accompaniment Books
  • BB = Breaking Bread
  • CC = Choose Christ
  • CM = Companion Missal
  • CPC2 = Choral Praise Comprehensive
  • CPC2S = Choral Praise Comprehensive Second Edition Mass Supplement
  • CP3 = Choral Praise, Third Edition
  • FC3 = Flor y Canto, Tercera Edición
  • GC = Gather Comprehensive
  • GC2 = Gather Comprehensive 2
  • G3 = Gather Third Edition
  • GP2 = Glory & Praise, Second Edition
  • GP3 = Glory & Praise, Third Edition
  • HM = Heritage Missal
  • J2 = Journeysongs, Second Edition
  • J3 = Journeysongs, Third Edition
  • LKAB = Low-Key Keyboard Accompaniment Book
  • MD = Misal del Día
  • MI = Music Issue
  • NTY = Never Too Young
  • OFUV = One Faith, Una Voz
  • RA = Respond & Acclaim
  • RyA = Responde y Aclama
  • ROM = Revised Order of Mass with Supplemental Mass Settings
  • R2 = Rise Up and Sing, Second Edition
  • R3 = Rise Up and Sing, Third Edition
  • RS = Ritual Song
  • SMAcc = Spanish Missal Accompaniment Books
  • SS1 = Spirit & Song 1
  • SS2 = Spirit & Song 2
  • S&S = Spirit & Song
  • SSS = Spirit & Song Revised Order of Mass with Supplemental Mass Settings
  • SP = Spirit & Psalm
  • TM-ADV = Today's Missal, Advent–Lent
  • TM-HLY = Today's Missal, Holy Week–Pentecost
  • TM-OT= Today's Missal, Ordinary Time
  • TS-ADV = Today's Missal with Spanish Insert, Advent–Lent
  • TS-HLY = Today's Missal with Spanish Insert, Holy Week–Pentecost
  • TS-OT = Today's Missal with Spanish Insert, Ordinary Time
  • UCAcc = Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ Accompaniment Book
  • UC-ADV = Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ, Advent–Lent
  • UC-HLY = Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ, Holy Week
  • UC-OT = Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ, Ordinary Time
  • UM = Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ Music Resource
  • WC = We Celebrate
  • W4 = Worship, Fourth Edition