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25 de diciembre de 2018
Anuncio de La Natividad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo
Antífona de Entrada
Canto de Entrada
Acto Penitencial
Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Glory to God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Salmo Responsorial
Today Is Born Our Savior, Christ the Lord (Curtis Stephan)
Aclamación antes del Evangelio
I Proclaim to You Good News of Great Joy: Today a Savior Is Born for Us, Christ the Lord (Mass of Renewal) (Curtis Stephan)
Despedida de los Catecúmenos y Elegidos
Preparación de las Ofrendas
Holy (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Misterio de la Fe
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Doxology and Amen (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Cordero de Dios
Lamb of God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Antífona de Comunión
Canto de Comunión
Cántico de Alabanza
Canto de Salida

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): Mass during the Night

25 de diciembre de 2018
Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Glory to God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Today Is Born Our Savior, Christ the Lord (Curtis Stephan)
I Proclaim to You Good News of Great Joy: Today a Savior Is Born for Us, Christ the Lord (Mass of Renewal) (Curtis Stephan)
Holy (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Doxology and Amen (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Lamb of God (Mass of Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)